White Paper

Electronics Industry – Driving Supply Chain Sustainability

Upstream supply chains in the electronics industry are markedly complex and frequently account for the lion’s share of adverse social, environmental and governance impacts. Against this backdrop, regulatory developments have been accelerating and pose significant challenges. At the same time, numerous levers are available that allow electronics companies to curb their carbon footprints and ensure more sustainable product design, among other things. Technical solutions, cross-departmental collaboration and supplier engagement are key facilitators when it comes to embedding sustainability in procurement and meeting legislative requirements.

What you will learn in this White Paper:

  • What are critical sustainability risks and levers for change in the industry’s supply chains
  • ESG legislation and frameworks that are shaping the sector
  • Which key challenges exist and how to address them
  • How IntegrityNext can help

This White Paper not only provides useful insights for electronics companies and their suppliers, but also other industries that rely on electronic products, including manufacturing, automotive, utilities, aerospace and defense, telecommunications and IT.

Download White Paper now.

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